Henderson is a research associate in MDRC’s Center for Data Insights and MDRC's Center for Criminal Justice Research. Her work uses data science approaches to inform evaluations of policies, programs, and systems in various domains, including criminal justice, education, and youth development. Her responsibilities include managing and directing projects; designing and leading equity analyses of complex systems; overseeing the acquisition, integration, processing, and analysis of complex administrative data sources; mapping system processes and data flows; developing research design; conducting impact analysis; providing technical assistance to organizations; and collecting qualitative data through on-site observations, document reviews, and interviews. She is the project director for the study of school-to-work pathways, the quantitative lead and data manager for the OTTERS project, and the co-principal investigator and impact lead for the NJ CARE project, and is leading the design and execution of a racial equity analysis for the Pretrial Justice Collaborative project. Before joining MDRC, Henderson led the assessment of United Way of King County’s Bridge to Finish program, which provides basic needs services to community college students to increase equity in educational attainment. Other past projects include the impact evaluation of New York City’s Supervised Release program, the Youth Villages Transitional Living Program Evaluation, and an evaluation of the Re-Integration of Ex-Offenders Program. Henderson holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Cornell University and a master’s degree and doctorate in sociology from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.