Diane Singer
Report Production Assistant
Economic Mobility, Housing, and Communities

Singer has worked for MDRC since 1997. She provides high-quality assistance to staff at all levels, serving as a report production and administrative assistant in several policy areas and the MDRC Institutional Review Board, coordinating meetings, getting materials to members, and maintaining its SharePoint page. Singer has also worked on several organization-wide projects, including the MDRC Annual Holiday celebration committee, the design group for the MDRC office location SharePoint pages, project archiving, and the “Lunch & Learn” forum series. She manages the series schedule, coordinating with individual speakers, guest speakers, and project groups, ensuring the meetings run smoothly. She designed and now maintains the series SharePoint page. Singer has taken and transcribed meeting minutes, created exhibits for projects, done fact-checking, and edited text and exhibits. She assists staff in effectively using EndNote and maintaining and updating the EndNote library.