Lundquist currently serves as project director for the Optimizing Texting Technology through Engagement Research with Students (OTTERS) project. The OTTERS project is designed: (1) to study student usage and engagement with Otterbot, an interactive chatbot (Otterbot) to help high school juniors and seniors obtain financial aid to attend college in Washington State and (2) to run A/B testing on various strategies to improve student usage and engagement with Otterbot. Lundquist also works as project manager for the TANF Data Innovations (TDI) project, a national technical assistance project that is seeking to support routine use of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) data and other administrative data so that agencies can make more informed decisions about how to best serve their clients. TDI includes a national needs assessment, creation and analysis of a national dataset with several years of federally reported TANF data linked with National Directory of New Hires data, and the TANF Data Collaborative, which offers an array of technical assistance opportunities to TANF agencies. Lundquist has also served in project management, data management, and impact-analysis roles in several large federal projects, including the Building Bridges and Bonds project, the Supporting Healthy Marriage project, the Employment Retention and Advancement project, and the Evaluation of Child Care Subsidy Strategies project. Before coming to MDRC, she received her master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University.