Mark van Dok
Senior Associate
K-12 Education

Van Dok is a senior data manager in MDRC’s K-12 Education Department and its Center for Data Insight, as well as its initiative on Learning from Administrative Data. He is skilled in statistical analysis, statistical software (R, SAS, and some Python), and data management, and currently serves on MDRC’s Data Management Steering Committee, Data Integrity Board, and Management Committee for Learning from Administrative Data. He is the lead data manager for several MDRC studies and data-analytics projects. Studies he is working on or has worked on include Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior, United2Read, Response to Intervention, Innovative Professional Development, Employment Retention and Advancement, the Work Advancement and Support Center Demonstration, and WorkAdvance. He has extensive experience with administrative records from schools and school districts, state welfare agencies, and state employment agencies, as well as program-tracking data systems and surveys and logs of various kinds. He joined MDRC in 2001 and since then has authored or coauthored several MDRC reports. He holds a bachelor's degree in history and political science from the University of Oslo and a master’s degree in European social history from the University of Bergen.




A Case Study of the Portland NEWWS Site


Findings from the Portland Site of the National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies


Impacts on Elementary School Students’ Outcomes


Implementation and Final Impacts of the Work Advancement and Support Center (WASC) Demonstration


Evidence from the WASC Demonstration


Implementation and Early Impacts for Two Programs That Sought to Encourage Advancement Among Low-Income Workers


The Employment Retention and Advancement Project