Virginia Knox
Virginia Knox

Virginia Knox has been President of MDRC since October 2019. As President, she has focused on how MDRC research and technical assistance can apply data, emerging technologies, and attention to the needs of program partners and participants to raise the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations and systems. This means learning what works to help people achieve their aspirations and then working with policymakers, administrators, and on-the-ground practitioners to use that information in their specific settings. 

Prior to being named president, Knox served as vice president and as leader of the organization’s Families and Children Policy Area. She brings 25 years of leadership in developing, evaluating, and improving social programs and contributing to new directions in research that can strengthen data-driven policymaking. Throughout her career, Knox has designed evaluations that address questions of central interest to policymakers and practitioners and provide them with actionable conclusions. Her work has focused on multiple avenues to help low-income parents support their children's development. 

The author of numerous reports and papers, Knox has a doctorate in public policy from Harvard University.


Working Paper

Video Observations from the Just Beginning Study

Issue Focus

Looking Ahead to “In Practice” Blog Posts in 2020


Final Implementation and Impact Findings from the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation-Strong Start


Results from the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation


Results from the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation


Early Findings on the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program — A Report to Congress


Final Impacts from the Supporting Healthy Marriage Evaluation

Working Paper

What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?