MDRC’s Vital Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

MDRC is committed to finding solutions to some of the most difficult problems facing the nation — from reducing poverty and bolstering economic mobility to improving public education and college graduation rates. To advance our mission, we must recruit and retain staff that encompass a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, ensure equity in our policies and practices, and build a culture of inclusion, in which all our staff feel welcome and valued. Promoting these values at MDRC improves the quality and relevance of our research, as well as the daily experiences of our staff.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, MDRC has posted information about its organizational structure and demographic data about its staff, particularly relating to gender and race/ethnicity (two important measures of staff diversity).

In addition, the new webpage describes some of MDRC’s longstanding and continuing efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion, including a staff-led Diversity Council, a successful mentoring program, the Judith Gueron Minority Scholars Program, and an Equity Work Group, focused on equity perspectives in our research projects.

“I am proud of MDRC’s continuing dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion — and the robust set of initiatives we have underway to fulfill that commitment,” said MDRC President Virginia Knox. “As researchers, we know that measurement is fundamental to achieving change. We will continue to actively engage our staff and update our many partners on our progress over the coming months and years.”

To learn more about MDRC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, please contact Crystal Byndloss, Director of Outreach, Diversity, and Inclusion, at