Community College Student Support Program Yields Results

Inside Higher Ed

SUNY Westchester Community College and MDRC, a social policy research organization, released the results of a new study Thursday, which found that students in the college’s student support program enrolled full-time at higher rates and accumulated more credits than their peers.

The program, called Viking ROADS, or Resources for Obtaining Associate Degrees and Success, launched in 2018 and intends to help students graduate with an associate degree in three years or faster. It’s based on Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, or ASAP, developed by the City University of New York system.....

.....“Viking ROADS is truly changing lives, which is exactly what we had hoped for,” Belinda S. Miles, president of SUNY Westchester Community College, said at a press conference Thursday.....

.....“You can think of this as being one class closer to graduation, to degree attainment,” Stanley Dai, technical research analyst at MDRC, said at the press conference. “So taken together, these impacts at this time, both in credit attainment and full-time enrollment, gives us a high degree of confidence that this program is going to have students graduate on time … in three years and earn their degrees.”

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