MDRC Experts Presenting at Educational Effectiveness Conference, March 7-9

MDRC researchers will participate in Capitalizing on Contradiction: Learning from Mixed Results," the Spring Conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), held in Washington, DC, on March 7-9, 2013.

Join us at the Career Forum on Friday afternoon to learn about career opportunities at MDRC. Also, please drop by MDRC’s exhibit at the SREE Conference, where you can find our latest research on education programs — from preschool through postsecondary — as well as methodological papers.

Thursday, March 7

The Early Childhood Launching Pad to School Readiness and School Success, 1:00-3:00 pm

  • Organizer: Pamela Morris, New York University/MDRC

New Research on Higher Education Policy, 3:30-5:00 pm

  • Chair: Jennifer Jennings, New York University
  • “Mixed Results from Six Large Randomized Controlled Trials of Learning Communities in Community Colleges,” Alexander Mayer & Michael Weiss, MDRC

Friday, March 8

Technical Methods for Meta-Analysis and Multi-Site Studies, 1:00-2:30 pm

  • Chair: Mark Lipsey, Vanderbilt University
  • “Estimating Cross-Site Impact Variation in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity,” Howard S. Bloom, Kristin E. Porter, & Michael J. Weiss, MDRC

Poster Sessions, 3:00-4:30 pm

  • “Estimating Impacts of Treatment Random Assignment on Classroom Quality in the Head Start Impact Study: The Problem of Missing Data,” Allison H. Friedman-Krauss, Maia C. Connors, & Pamela A. Morris, New York University/MDRC
  • “Fidelity and Scaling-Up in the Context of a Social-Emotional Intervention for Early Childhood Education,” Natalia Rojas, Chrishana M. Lloyd, & Shira Mattera, MDRC

Career Forum, 4:30-6:00 pm
The Career Forum provides an opportunity for individuals to meet with leading research firms. Each firm will host an informational session and identify career forum participants for initial screening interviews. The sponsors of the Career Forum will host a reception at the Park Hyatt on Friday evening.

Saturday, March 9

How and for Whom Do Early Childhood Contexts Matter? 10:00 am-noon

  • Chair: Shira Mattera, MDRC

Parts of the Whole: Using Parent, Student, and Teacher Voices to Understand School Climate, 10:00 am-noon

  • Organizer: Lori Nathanson, Research Alliance for New York City Schools
  • “School Climate and Obesity: Examining the Link between Students’ Perception of School Environment and Predict BMI,” Christopher C. Weiss, New York University, and Rhiannon N. Miller, MDRC

Prognostic Score-Based Difference-in-Differences Strategy for Education Policy Evaluation, 10:00 am-noon

  • Discussant: Howard Bloom, MDRC