Texas Multiple Measures Assessment Randomized Controlled Trial



Reforming developmental (remedial) education is one of the most pressing issues facing higher education. Students assigned prerequisite developmental courses—for which they do not earn college credits—are less likely to complete required courses and graduate than students who place directly into college-level courses. Traditionally, colleges have used standardized tests to determine which students are assigned to developmental courses. Multiple measures assessment (MMA) is an alternate placement method that uses measures such as high school grade point average and course-taking patterns, in addition to standardized test scores, to place students into math and English courses. Previous studies have shown that when MMA is used to allow more students to take college-level courses, it increases their chances of completing those courses and graduating. Furthermore, multiple measures have been shown to predict student success better than standardized test scores alone. However, MMA has not been rigorously evaluated in a corequisite developmental course environment: one in which students enroll in a developmental math or English course alongside their college-level course in that subject. Texas—one of the largest community college systems in the country—offers such corequisite courses.

MDRC, in partnership with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), is studying the effects of multiple measures assessment at Houston Community College and Dallas College. It will measure how students perform in college-level courses and how many complete degrees. Using a student-level randomized controlled trial, the project will compare the outcomes of students placed in courses using multiple measures (standardized test scores, high school grade point average, and math/English course-taking history) with those of students placed using standardized test scores alone. Findings will inform THECB’s future decisions about placement criteria.

The Texas Multiple Measures Assessment RCT is funded by Arnold Ventures.